
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2023

The Multitasking Myth

Ever been guilty of answering text messages during a meeting? Or checking email while you’re on a video call? MOST OF US do it. And if you said yes, who could blame you? Growing and scaling your business comes with a seemingly never ending to-do list. In our minds, it’s simply smart thinking to make the best use of our time, right? When your company is growing fast, we’re forced to find ways to “fit it ALL in”. But here’s something that may shock you… On average, people who try to multitask take 50% longer to complete a single task and make 50% more errors in their work than people who stay focused. Suddenly multitasking doesn’t sound like such a great way to get more done, does it? But, we were brought up believing that in order to be productive we must learn to multitask to reach our goals and get things done… At least I was . Here’s the problem with that… When you are moving the needle on multiple projects at one time instead of focusing on making significant headway on on...